
Why pay for content writing services?

Why pay for content writing services?

Maximising your business with professional content writing services: an in-depth look at the benefitsWith the proliferation of content on the web, businesses are seeking ways to differentiate themselves and stand out from the competition. Professional content writing services can provide that edge.In this article, we will explore why you should consider investing in these services. 1. You...

Updating website

Reasons to keep your website up-to-date

Having a nice website is good. Keeping it up-to-date is better. Maintenance in the digital world is an often forgotten, but essential, task. It is thanks to regular maintenance that your site and, by extension, your business will be able to keep its freshness and face the competition.A website that is slow to load, has broken links,...


October 2022 Google spam update

Google rolled out new spam update completed in less than 42 hours on October 21stIn comparison to the last spam update in November 2021 which took around 8 days this is pretty quick. Unlike the two-part spam update in June 2021 Google has not notified precisely what this update relates to.If you're experiecing a drop in...

Sumobaby Work Experience

My work experience at Sumobaby

Throughout this week (Monday 28th March – Friday 1st April) I have completed a work experience placement at Sumobaby, I have thoroughly enjoyed this placement as it has tested my knowledge in so many ways and opened my mind to the world of website development. Furthermore, this work experience placement has also allowed me to experience...

Google Analytics Universal

Google Analytics Universal will be sunset July 2023

If you're using Google Analytics on your website, it is very likily that it will be Google Analytics Universal. From 1st July 2023, no more traffic will be recorded in your Google Analytics Universal property.For at least 6 months after that, you’ll be able to access those reports. After which you'll lose all historical data...
